You’ll love our new selection of
"Indonesian Batik Print Cotton Sarongs". They are very soft to the touch with wonderful unique patterns and high quality cotton. These cotton sarongs are fantastic in so many ways...that’s why you’ll find Indonesians wearing their cotton sarongs every day. Plus, there is plenty of material to wrap yourself in too. These traditionally "Earth Toned" sarongs are originating from Java and Bali and are one of a kind "BATIK" style prints. They come in a large variety, (we are talking thousands of designs) and chances are there are no repeated patterns. That’s why we offer these as an assortment only. We're told that these sarongs are pre-owned which means they have already gone through the tough stage of breaking them in. To ensure the proper quality and designs, we select each sarong by hand. We choose the cotton sarongs based upon their design, quality and feel. After we select the sarong, it is thoroughly checked for defects and laundered. Please keep in mind that these sarongs are handmade. Therefore there will be variations in size color and design. Sarongs measures approximately 92" x 39" inches (2.38 x 1 meters) on fringeless cotton. Note, sarongs like these have many uses and can be used as a table cover, light blanket, material for making clothing, beach blanket, baby carrier, sheet or whatever your heart desires. To get more info about Indonesian Batik, click this link:
Batik. Price is per sarong.