Got yourself one of
our embroidered sarongs? What is embroidery anyway? If don't know by now, this artistry skill requires a lot of dedication and patience.
Embroidered Sarong |
A needle and thread is used to stitch and create the pattern designs onto a piece of sarong cloth. These days the art of embroidering are also used to incorporate other materials onto a fabric such as pearls, sequins, beads and more. In other words, it is an art that combines decorative designs onto textile.
This handicraft has been dated for centuries and perceived as a rich cultural technique for fashion in many different countries. 'Before computers were affordable, most embroidery was completed by "punching" designs on paper tape that then ran through a mechanical embroidery machine. One error could ruin an entire design, forcing the creator to start over' (Wikipedia). However, these days people are moving towards digitized stitch work where industrial machines equipped with a smart software are used to substitute hand embroidering to speed up production.
Here at 1 World Sarongs, we take pride in valuing the artists and their traditional ways of Sarong making and we support the locals when it comes to Indonesian artisan skills.
During our team research on the field, we got to learn the process of embroidery for Batik clothing and sarongs using a sewing machine. For a big piece of cloth in the size of a sarong, the art maker is like 'drawing' with a needle and thread in free motion style to create designs on to the material, basically using a sewing machine to free hand draw and fill in a design.With all the precision and time invested on each sarong, the more detailed the design, the more time consuming it gets.
This intricate handicraft coupled with skillful needlework creates a very attractive sarong with embroidery patterns, giving that added beauty and elegance when worn.
So tell us, what do you think about embroidered Sarongs?