Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Indonesian Batik Sarongs From 1 World Sarongs

Monday, April 11, 2011
Re: Sarong Fabric?
Hi Maren,
Thanks so much for your question about our sarongs fabrics.
This is a question we hear quite often. To answer you question about the sarong fabric: "it varies".
Most of our sarongs are the lightweight top quality sarong rayon fabric with a thread count of 70/42 or 68/38. These are denoted with a KD in the code. Such as SARONG-KD-SOLID-BLACK. Most of our sarongs are the lightweight sarong fabric and can be found throughout our website. Or you can do a search here:
Our other sarong fabric that we carry are the rayon fabric with a thread count of 80/60 which is a top quality heavier weight but still light enough to everyday wear. This sarong fabric has a PT in the code. For example SARONG-PT-DRAGON
We use rayon, first cause it drapes well. Second cause it breathes great. Third cause it feels wonderful and finally, it is affordable to most everyone. You can find some of our heavyweight sarongs by doing a search here:
The sheerness of the fabric depends mostly on three things. First, the thread count (how thick the fabric is), secondly the color of the fabric (black sarongs are less sheer then white sarongs) and finally how bright is the light source. In general a lightweight sarong will in white will be more sheer and see through then say a black lightweight sarong. If you have a red bikini on and wear a white heavyweight sarong you will still be able to see the bikini, but just not as much.
For your question about cotton, yes we do have cotton sarongs. We usually offer the traditional Indonesian sarongs in cotton found at this link:
Cotton doesn't really drape well and is a higher cost so it's not the choice of fabric for sarongs. Cotton can be somewhat more durable and gives a feeling of breath ability but in our experience the rayon seems to flow and breath better.
Also we have a limited amount of Polyester sarongs. But because polyester is made from petroleum we try to stay away from it. The world has enough problems caused by petroleum. We don't need to encourage more consumption of this fabric.
Soon we will be offering silk sarongs. Of course silk sarongs are more expensive but silk sarongs offer the best of all worlds. Silk sarongs are lightweight, breathable, drape, travel well, and are durable. Silk sarongs are also the most environmentally friendly or "green". The silk worm being the source of silk, and it's food being leaves. Plus silk sarongs feel the best. We'll be looking forward to having a silk sarong section just as soon as we design and find the right ones for our customers.
I hope that helps shed some light on the subject :-)
1 World Sarongs
California, USA & Bali, Indonesia
P.S. See our how to tie a sarongs instructions here at: http://www.1worldsarongs.com/howtotiesarong.html
On Tue, Apr 12, 2011 at 12:28 PM, Maren M <mxxxxx@yahoocom> wrote:
To whom it may concern,I fell in love with sarongs a long time ago, but have only ever purchased them in person. So, I have just a few questions. First, how sheer are the sarongs? Can you easily see what's underneath when standing in the sun? Second, do you carry any sarongs that are 100% cotton? And finally, is there a well explained, pictured instruction sheet for wrapping?Sincerely,Maren M
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